Shai Brill, MD




Chief of Geriatrics , Clalit Health Services

Co-Director, Minerva Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the End of Life,

Sackler School of Medicine Tel Aviv University

Areas of research: Internal Medicine and Geriatrics; End of life; Caring for care givers



Education   :

1996      Hebrew University, Hadassa Medical School, Jerusalem; Study for Master of
              Public Health Degree

1989      Sheba Hospital, Ramat Gan; Specialist in Geriatric Medicine

1987      Bellinson Medical Center, Petach Tikva; Specialist in Internal Medicine

1977      Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine: M.D. (Magna Cum Laude)
              Specializes in internal medicine and Geriatrics



2002-2006          Chairman of Israel Association for Geriatric Medicine

1998-present      Chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Developing Services
                            for the Elderly, Institute of Social Security

1990-present      Director General of Beit Rivka Medical Geriatric Center, Petach Tikva

1990-present      Head of Geriatric Department “C” Beit Rivka geriatric center of
                           Clalit Healthcare services

1982-1987          Resident, Bellinson Medical Center, Petach Tikva,
                           Department of Internal Medicine “D”

1980-1982          Research Fellow, Sheba Hospital, Ramat Gan,
                           Heller Institute of Medical Research

1977-1982          Medical Officer (Major), IDF


Membership in Professional Societies:

  • 1990-Present      Union of Hospital Directors, Israel Medical Association
  • 1990-Present      American Geriatric Society
  • 1989-Present      Israel Society for Geriatric Medicine
  • 1989-Present      Israel Gerontological Society


Current research projects:

  • Delineating the End of Life Stage of Life
  • Confronting the gap between the good death and the usual death


Selected Recent Publications:

Hershkovitz, Avital, Irena Polatov, Yechayaou Beloosesky, and Shai Brill. 2010. “Factors Affecting Mortality of Frail Hip-fractured Elderly Patients.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 51 (2) (October): 113–116. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2009.09.003.

Manevich, Dmitry, Shai Brill, and Avital Hershkovitz. 2010. “Spontaneous Insufficiency Fractures of Long Bones in Institutionalized Elderly Patients.” Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 22 (1) (February): 95–97.

Hermush, Vered, Daniel Daliot, Avraham Weiss, Shai Brill, and Yichayaou Beloosesky. 2009. “The Impact of Geriatric Consultation on the Care of the Elders in Community Clinics.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 49 (2) (October): 260–262. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2008.09.007.

Hershkovitz, Avital, and Shai Brill. 2007. “The Association Between Patients’ Cognitive Status and Rehabilitation Outcome in a Geriatric Day Hospital.” Disability and Rehabilitation 29 (4) (February 28): 333–337. doi:10.1080/09638280600787096.

Hershkovitz, Avital, Zulicha Kalandariov, Vered Hermush, Roni Weiss, and Shai Brill. 2007. “Factors Affecting Short-term Rehabilitation Outcomes of Disabled Elderly Patients with Proximal Hip Fracture.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 88 (7) (July): 916–921. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2007.03.029.

Hershkovitz, Avital, Daniel Gottlieb, Yichayaou Beloosesky, and Shai Brill. 2006. “Assessing the Potential for Functional Improvement of Stroke Patients Attending a Geriatric Day Hospital.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 43 (2) (October): 243–248. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2005.10.012.

Hershkovitz, Avital, and Shai Brill. 2006. “Get up and Go--home.” Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 18 (4) (August): 301–306.

Beloosesky, Yichayaou, Avraham Weiss, Joseph Grinblat, Shai Brill, and Avital Hershkovitz. 2004. “Can Functional Status, after Rehabilitation, Independently Predict Long-term Mortality of Hip-fractured Elderly Patients?” Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 16 (1) (February 1): 44–48. doi:10.1007/BF03324531.

Hershkovitz, Avital, Yichayaou Beloosesky, Shai Brill, and Daniel Gottlieb. 2004. “Is a Day Hospital Rehabilitation Programme Associated with Reduction of Handicap in Stroke Patients?” Clinical Rehabilitation 18 (3) (May): 261–266.

Hershkovitz, Avital, Daniel Gottlieb, Yichayaou Beloosesky, and Shai Brill. 2003. “Programme Evaluation of a Geriatric Rehabilitation Day Hospital.” Clinical Rehabilitation 17 (7) (November): 750–755.



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