Haim Hazan, Ph.D.
Professor of social anthropology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Tel Aviv University
Co-Director, Minerva Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the End of Life
Areas of research: Anthropology, Aging, Suicide.
1976 The University of London: Ph.D. in Anthropology
1974 Tel-Aviv University: M.A. (Magna cum Laude) in Sociology & Anthropology
1971 Tel-Aviv University: B.A. in Sociology & Anthropology and Hebrew Literature
1994-present Professor, Tel Aviv University, Sociology & Anthropology
2011-present Co-Director, Minerva Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of End of
Life, Tel Aviv University
2008-present Editor in chief, Israeli Sociology (Hebrew)
1997-20056 The Herczeg Institute on Aging, Tel Aviv University
1995-1997 The David Horowitz Institute for the Research of Developing Countries
1979-1981 The Institution for Social Research, Tel Aviv University
Current research projects:
- Deadly Others: Processing Social Death in a Global World
- Tracking Israeli Suicide: Performance, Affect, and Discourse
- Death is only the beginning: Following the corpse in Israeli Jewish body-handling practices
Selected recent publications:
Hazan, Haim. 2011. “Gerontological Autism: Terms of Accountability in the Cultural Study of the Category of the Fourth Age.” Ageing & Society 31 (07): 1125–1140. doi:10.1017/S0144686X1100050X.
Hazan, Haim. 2010. “Anthropologist on Mars: Invitation to the dead end labyrinth of old age studies.” Gerontology 37: 23–36.
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, Dov Shmotkin, Nitza Eyal, Yael Reichental, and Haim Hazan. 2010. “A Comparison of Three Types of Autobiographical Memories in Old-old Age: First Memories, Pivotal Memories and Traumatic Memories.” Gerontology 56 (6): 564–573. doi:10.1159/000295113.
Shmotkin, Dov, Liat Lerner-Geva, Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Tzvia Blumstein, Nitza Eyal, Aviva Shorek, Gitit Kave, and Haim Hazan. 2010. “Profiles of Functioning as Predictors of Mortality in Old Age: The Advantage of a Configurative Approach.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 51 (1) (August): 68–75. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2009.07.010.
Hazan, Haim. 2009. “Beyond Dialogue: Entering the Fourth Space in Old Age.” In Valuing Older People: A Humanist Approach to Ageing, edited by Ricca Edmondson and Hans-Joachim von Kondratowitz, 91–104. Bristol, UK ; Portland, OR: The Policy Press.
Hazan, Haim. 2009. “Essential Others: Anthropology and the Return of the Old Savage.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 29 (1/2) (February 27): 60–72. doi:10.1108/01443330910934727.
Gamliel, Tova, and Haim Hazan. 2006. “The Meaning of Stigma: Identity Construction in Two Old-age Institutions.” Ageing & Society 26 (03): 355–371. doi:10.1017/S0144686X0500454X.
Hazan, Haim. 2006. “Beyond Discourse: Recognising Bare Life Among the Very Old.” In Foucault and Aging, edited by Jason L Powell and Wahidin, 157–170. New York: Nova Science Publishers.