Research groups

Discussion group

​​Research and Study groups

Two interdisciplinary discussion groups gather monthly to review and discuss topics related to End-of-Life and the challenges it poses. One study group is composed of professional caregivers who work with people in their last stage of life. The other study group is composed of social scientists that study the social, cultural and ethical aspects associated with end of life.


Study group on End of Life:  Medical and psychological perspectives

Participants are based in the fields of Medicine, Nursing, Social work, Public Health and Health Professions from different institutions around Israel, and work as nurses, palliative caregivers, physicians, psychologists, lawyers and social workers. The discussions focus on understanding end-of-life as a distinct stage and possibilities to improve the experience of people at that stage.


The group’s past meetings:

  • Preliminary mapping of the topics and building an initial plan forum
  • What is The Good Death? Facilitator:  Prof. Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Tel Aviv University
  • End of life decision making. Facilitator:  Prof. Netta Bentor, Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute, Jerusalem
  • Joint discussion meeting for both study groups:  The decomposition of corpses and corpus in the literary work of S. Y. Agnon. Discussion of text:  Agnon, S.Y. (1962) Ha'Esh Ve'Haezim (The fire and the woods). Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: Shoken Press.
  • Euthanasia. Facilitator: Prof. Shai lavi, Tel Aviv University
  • Changes in Israeli Society and the perception of end of life. Facilitator: Dr. Yaffa Lerman, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov)
  • Joint discussion meeting for both study groups: On the Death of Children. Facilitator: Prof. Thomas Macho, Humboldt University of Berlin
  • Coping with death of people with dementia in premises for people with dementia. Facilitator: Rachel Birenbaum, Melabev, Jerusalem
  • Questionnaires to measure suffering. Facilitator: Dr. Bechor Zvi Aminoff, Geriatric department, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer
  • Legal and Halachic aspects on end on life. Facilitator: Dr. Yossi Green, Netanya Academic College


Study group on End of Life:  Sociological and anthropological perspectives

Participants work in the fields of Anthropology, Law, Social science and Humanities from different academic institutions around Israel. The discussions focus on ethical, cultural, historial, legal, and other aspects associated with end-of-life.


The group’s past meetings:

  • Presentation of the participants and their Research proposals
  • Discussion of text:  Aries, P. (1974) Western Attitudes toward Death. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, University Press.
  • Discussion of text:  Bauman, Z. (1992) Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Joint discussion meeting for both groups:  The decomposition of corpses and corpus in the literary work of S. Y. Agnon. Discussion of text:  Agnon, S.Y.(1962) Ha'Esh Ve'Haezim (The fire and the woods). Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: Shoken Press.
  • The time of death in rabbinical legends by Prof. Arye Edrei
  • Spiritual death in fairy tales by Dr. Ravit Raufman; Suicide in Israel or Israeli Suicide: Anthropological Aspects of a Glocal Dilemma by Prof. Haim Hazan and Dr. Raquel Romberg
  • The wish of the dead by Prof. Yael Hashiloni Dolev, Dr. Daphna Hacker and Dr. Hagai Boas; On Truth, Trust and Technology: The Israeli debate Over Brain Death by Dr. Sky Gross and Prof. Shai Lavi
  • Death in the digital age by Dr. Erez Cohen; Brain death, organ donation and the political culture of end-of-life in Israel by Dr. Hagai Boas
  • Dys-appearing and Disappearing Bodies: On the Relation between Death and Pain by Dr. Michal Pagis; If they found a cure to your condition, would you take it? By Dr. Adi Finkelstein and Kaitlin Kimmel; The construction of grievable death by Tal Morse
  • How do you talk about it: talking about medical care in advanced old age by Dr. Carmel Shalev 
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